Management Message
CEO's message
We will balance business growth with efforts toward sustainability by fulfilling our Mission of "Reflecting Your Time and Living with Your Heart."
Our Group’s Mission is "Reflecting Your Time and Living with Your Heart." We aim to be there for people at key moments and assist them in capturing their memories as vivid records of their lives. We also consider sustainability to be a fundamental theme of our business strategy, and recognize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors as essential foundations for fulfilling our Mission. As we pursue our Vision of becoming "The world's leading photo life company.", we will aim to achieve both business growth and efforts toward sustainability, and continue providing products and services that improve our customers’ lifestyles and businesses.
Kazuhiro Fukumoto
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer and
Chair of the Sustainability Committee
Chief Sustainability Officer’s message
We strongly promote sustainability, which we consider to be the foundation of our management strategy, by building the necessary framework for tackling our materialities
The Group has established a Sustainability Committee led by the
Representative Director to strongly promote sustainability, which
is the foundation of our management strategy. We have appointed a
Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO) as the officer in charge and
established a Sustainability Promotion Office to manage the
implementation of our initiatives.
The Board of Directors has formulated a Basic Sustainability
Policy, and identified five materialities as key management issues
for achieving sustainable growth with society, by exchanging
opinions with employees, experts, and other stakeholders. The five
materialities are: Climate change countermeasures and
implementation of a recycling mentality; Contribution to a happy
and prosperous society through the enhancement of photo life;
Creation of a rewarding work environment; Promotion of diversity
and inclusion; and Governance & Compliance for Sustainable Growth.
We link each of these materialities with the United Nations’
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the aim of contributing
to their achievement, and utilize them to guide us as we drive our
business activities forward. We create action plans tied to
specific guidelines and efforts for each material issue and
organization, while setting KPIs and regularly managing progress.
In this manner, we align our efforts toward contributing to the
sustainable growth of society. We also endorse the TCFD and
respond to the CDP, to earn scores as part of our efforts to
actively share information regarding our sustainability activities
In terms of “Climate change countermeasures and implementation of
a recycling mentality,” we are concerned about what the Group can
do now to leave future generations with a planet that is rich in
nature and capable of sustaining life. We aim to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by a net 30% by the fiscal
year ending March 31, 2030, and to achieve net zero emissions by
2050. We are working to reduce CO2 emissions throughout all Group
business activities by adopting LED lighting and energy-saving
production equipment, and switching to renewable energy sources.
At the same time, we are also in the process of calculating our
Scope 3 emissions with a view toward disclosure, and creating a
roadmap for the reduction of greenhouse gases. These efforts have
thus far yielded success, enabling us to achieve our GHG reduction
target ahead of schedule in the fiscal year ended March 2023.
Accordingly, we have set an ambitious new target of reducing
emissions by a net 60% by 2030. For creating a sound
material-cycle society, we are promoting the effective use of
resources by expanding the resale of used cameras and providing
repair services for cameras and smartphones.
Regarding “Contribution to a happy and prosperous society through
the enhancement of photo life,” we believe that our products and
services we provide as our core business help to create a happier
and more prosperous society, by enabling our customers to reflect
on and communicate with their families and others around them. We
have established unique Group-wide metrics to guide us as we
strive to enhance the role that photography plays in our
customers’ lives. We are also working to provide photos that were
lost in the Great East Japan Earthquake and other disasters
through the restoration of data that has been entrusted to us.
Through photography, we support our customers by helping them
cherish their precious memories. In addition, this also provides
an opportunity to deepen the world’s understanding of protection
of the natural environment, by allowing people to appreciate the
beauty of the Earth and nature through photography.
For the “Creation of a rewarding work environment,” we have taken
steps to help our diverse workforce put their skills to full use.
In addition to holding workshops and conducting engagement surveys
to set key metrics, we utilize our wide range of business areas as
a Group to allow for job rotations across various roles. Our
system supports employees in autonomously shaping their careers
and pursuing growth. In this manner, we are transforming into a
company where each and every employee can excel at a higher level,
and feel a sense of growth and satisfaction in their work.
In “Promotion of diversity and inclusion,” we aim to expand our
diverse talent pool to drive innovation. We promote the
advancement of female employees, support balancing work and
childcare, and encourage male employees to take paternity leave.
We foster an environment where everyone can excel, regardless of
gender or disability. We also set specific targets to increase the
ratio of female managers, the ratio of parental leave taken by
male employees, and close the wage differentials between male and
female employees. In particular, we will actively promote the
advancement of female employees, and achieve a 100% ratio of
parental leave taken by male employees.
In terms of “Governance & Compliance for Sustainable Growth,” we
also recognize that compliance is one of the most important items
in company management, and as a business operator that handles a
large amount of extremely personal information such as photographs
and images, we are engaged in maximum efforts to ensure
information security. We are working to build and further
reinforce our corporate governance system together with a range of
other efforts, including communicating our Mission, Vision, and
Values internally to foster an ethical corporate culture.
We strive to contribute to society and work toward business growth
by communicating with various stakeholders and building
relationships of trust with them, with a focus on the social
issues that we need to tackle as an enterprise.
Michitaka Tsujimoto
Senior Executive Officer, CSuO
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